Thursday, June 21, 2007

Are You Acute or Obtuse? My Life as Angle

I never really knew my name was unusual until I started school. Every year, on the first day of school, the teacher would inevitably call out
"Angle? is this a misprint?"
"No, that's how it's spelled, there's supposed to be an accent, its Angle' " I would say pronouncing it with my best fake french accent. After a few lousy attempts to say it correctly "just call me Angel" I would say, if you aren't going to say it right don't bother.

This exchange was usually accompanied by a chorus of snickering from my classmates. After class someone always had a wisecrack about my name. It was the same year after year, with every new class. eventually I'd just say "Yea, it's a misprint, it's supposed to be Angel." and Angle' was lost.
Two Angel Faces

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